PDB format - PDBx/mmCIF conversion service

You can convert a molecular structural data into another format. The type of uploaded file is determined automatically. When the type is mmCIF and PDB format, it is converted into PDB format and mmCIF, respectively. The gzip compressed files that end ".gz" of the name, are also available. When they are gzipped, the converted files are also gzipped.

1. Specify a source file to convert

Specify a source file to convert. The maximum size of the file is 10MB.

When you convert a large structure mmCIF file into the PDB format, it will be treated as following:

In this service, MAXIT of RCSB PDB is used for the conversion of macromolecule structural files. By installing this program, you can convert in your local environment.

We know the problem that this service doesn't accept some uncompressed files, and we are currently investigating the problem. If you encounter this problem, please try to gzip-compress and upload it again.